Friday 15 November 2013

Sleep affects performance concussion test

Sleep affects performance concussion test

The amount of sleep a person gets the score on a test for concussions change. Kyle Leon the most professional fitness experts

American sports medics present this conclusion Saturday at annual meeting of the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine in Chicago.

In American athletes will be given a test that the basic level of brain capacity determines

If these people ever get a concussion, then measure against this baseline. Reverse the brain capacity The return to the field after a hard hit during football example also depends on the score on this test.

The doctors studied in the survey 3686 athletes without concussion, this basic test to do. It was here in particular to young athletes, a large part of the high school, and about a tenth at university level.

However, it now appears that the amount of sleep the previous night has an influence on the success in certain parts of the test. The participants were divided into three groups: a group with less than seven hours of sleep, a group of seven to nine hours of sleep, and with more than nine hours of sleep. Introduction to Kyle Leon

There were seen in the group with less than seven hours of sleep. Significant differences especially the reaction and the verbal and visual memory was less.

The amount of sleep so affects the level of the baseline, and thus the measured difference in actual capacity after a concussion.

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