Friday 15 November 2013

Concussion can causes long-term damage

Concussion causes long-term damage

BAARN - When a concussion is brain damage bugging you can have for decades. Introduction to Kyle Leon

According to a study of a Canadian neuropsychologist, she presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Maries Lessoned examined the long-term effects of heavy concussion in a hockey team. They argued eye and hearing tests and examined the brains of players who had received a heavy blow. Her results indicate that for years after the concussion there is abnormal brain wave activity that can lead to concentration problems.


In older athletes are the effects more clearly. In a recent survey of athletes who some 30 years ago had a harden scudding, was shown to memory and concentration problems and had similar symptoms as people with early Parkinson. They also had a thinner cortex in the same part of the brains and Alzheimer patients. 100% Money Back Guarantee

Keep calm

Athletes who go too fast sports after a concussion or several times a witness, so run a high risk of brain damage. Lessoned concludes that you should keep as long as you are suffering from the symptoms of a concussion and concussions seriously need to take a rest.

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