Thursday 19 December 2013

The diet consisted of singer

Diet: The diet consisted of singer protein shakes, fresh vegetables, pineapple, egg whites (yolks strictly forbidden) and, of course, plenty of drinking water.

Pregnancy Yana runs hard, and even doctors urged her to go to hospital. But, in spite of everything, the producer continued to lead an active lifestyle and all nine months of intensive work. Kyle Leon the most professional fitness experts

Furthermore, always looked immaculate and never refused even high heels. However, she, like all during pregnancy, gained extra pounds. But Jan could not wait to come back in line, and she took drastic measures.

Diet: To get back in shape in a short time, business woman sat on a rigid diet, which is shared on Twitter with his followers:
"I'm sitting on a strict diet for a week, after the birth of the village, only drink kefir and eat low-fat yogurt.

Set a goal is to return to their weight. To say that hard is to say nothing: every day I lose 400-500 grams." By the way, recently Yana first appeared and it looked even better than before. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Megan Fox - This month Megan Fox lost 6 pounds of 12 recruited during pregnancy. The actress claims that the lost weight, never going to the gym. I do not know whether to believe it. The truth has little similarity, although perhaps a tendency to corpulence Megan in principle is not peculiar. Happy!

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